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  1. Ohio Hops and Malting Barley Conference and Trade Show

    started growing both hops and malting barley. Workshop topics will include: Planning to make your hop farm ...

  2. MXC- Making Extreme Counselors- Ohio 4-H Center

    MXC is a national award-winning workshop that will be useful for all potential camp counselors. ...

  3. I am Woman- Watch me Lead

    By focusing on their collaboration skills and the unique talents women possess. Workshop participants ...

  4. Northwest Ohio Corn-Soybean Day

    marketing, and the farm machinery industry. The workshop is presented by OSU Extension educators and ...

  5. Two Warren County Teens Take 2nd at the 2014 Film Fest 4-H

    2015 about a film workshop just for Ohio 4-H. For more information about the film making project or ...

  6. Communication and Conflict Management Workshop

    team's or unit's effectiveness? This workshop will provide participants with a greater understanding ...

  7. Subpoena and Court Appearances

    include: a. Record of attendance at workshops, etc. – sign in/sign out sheet b. Curriculum taught – copy of ...

  8. Communiqué October 12, 2012

    Strengths Finder Workshop- November 6 New Photo Library Available Excellence in Community Development Award ... is espousing that position as well. This has been encouraged through workshops, discussions in ... 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Back to top of page Strengths Finder Workshop- November 6 "You get what you ...

  9. 4H Members Across Ohio Boost Leadership Skills and Civic Engagement at 4-H’s Citizen Washington Focus

    the country to travel to Washington, DC and participate in civic workshops, committees, and field ...

  10. Communiqué April 30, 2014

    Diversity Conference RFPs due June 27 Strengths-Based Communication Workshop ‒ June 11 Bike Sharing on Main ... a series of professional development workshops designed to build capacity for creating and strengthening ... workshop will be held on May 22 (9am to 4pm) in the MLK Auditorium, Hale Hall, 154 W. 12th Avenue. The ...
