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  1. MEP Services

    projects and workshops. OPERATIONAL ASSESSMENTS  (free service)  OPERATIONAL SUPPORT AND QUALITY Kaizen ...

  2. New grant dollars to aid tomato soil health research, crop management

    associated soil management techniques; 2. develop hands-on training programs including workshops and field ... receive notifications when tomato field days, workshops, and programs will be conducted over the next ...

  3. Maple Business Planning Deep Dive

    Can you benefit from learning more about business management and having time to work on your own business plan?   Join Mark Cannella from the University of Vermont Extension for this half day seminar.  Mark will present lessons on strategic planning, mark ...

  4. World Food Prize and Norman E. Borlaug International Dialogue

    roundtable discussions, four interactive workshops, and over 35 side events focused on the following key ... information about the speakers, roundtable discussions, workshops, and side event partners on the website.  ...

  5. Resume Workshop

    Resume Workshop When: September 14th at 7 pm via Zoom Be prepared to go head-to-head with the ...

  6. Don't Get Buried in School Work

    Workshops.  Follow link or scan QRCode. ...

  7. Student Org Workshop

    Workshop and learn the ins and outs of what it takes to have a student org at ATI!  There are two ...

  8. Resume Workshop

    It's never too early to get ahead of your competition! Join the Resume Workshop on Tuesday, ...

  9. NACD/AFA Conservation Careers Workshop

    NACDA/AFA Conservation Careers Workshop applications due May 12th! During the NACD/AFA ... Conservation Careers Workshop, career rountables are your chance to engage with industry professionals and ask ...

  10. ENGAGE: Earning Trust in Gene Editing (Student Professional Development)

    of modern agriculture. CFI has conducted similar workshops all over the country for a wide variety of ...
