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Search results

  1. The Language of Inclusion: Pronouns and Other Gendered Words

    people of all genders. This 90-minute workshop will address why pronouns matter, the history of singular ... Click on the date below to register. Please note: this workshop will not be recorded. Click here to ...

  2. Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices

    serving on CFAES search committees complete this program every 2 years. Please note: this workshop will ...

  3. FAFSA Completion Workshop TOMORROW

    a FAFSA completion workshop on Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 1 p.m. in the library computer lab! You must file the ...

  4. The Gregory S. Fehribach Center Summer Internship Applications Now Open!

    interests and/or career goals. Weekly professional development workshops have included topics such as ...

  5. Student Support

    coaching, workshops, presentations, connections to resources, and collaborations with the Office of Academic ...

  6. Sustainable Living: Every Day and During the Holidays

    Event will be broken down into two parts; a hike in the morning, and an in-depth workshop in the ... and leashed dogs are welcome. Meet at Caesar Creek Nature Center. Sustainable Living Workshop- 1:00pm- ... impact on the Earth. In this workshop, Warren County's Family and Consumer Sciences Educator and the ...

  7. Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices

    serving on CFAES search committees complete this program every 2 years. Please note: this workshop will ...

  8. Laura Akgerman

    State University Alum, with degrees in English and Rehabilitation Services. She presents workshops on ...

  9. *CANCELED* It's Okay to Be Different: A Workshop for Adults

    Workshop Details and Registration ...

  10. Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices

    serving on CFAES search committees complete this program every 2 years. Please note: this workshop will ...
