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  1. Woodland Pollinators

    well-known- pollinator habitat.  In this day-long workshop, we will explore the woodlands around the OSU ...

  2. The Good, The Bad, and The Hungry: Managing Wildlife Conflict Around Your Home

    strategies. Please join us in this all day workshop as we discuss a variety of wildlife species and the best ...

  3. The Woods in Your Backyard

    This one-day workshop is for those landowners who have a small section of woods out back that they ...  Want to attract wildlife, improve the health of the trees, deal with invasive species- this workshop is ...

  4. 42nd Annual American Society for Enology and Viticulture- Eastern Section Conference

    Pioneering Wine Grape Varieties Adapted to the Challenges of the East Workshop on Wednesday, July 12 ...

  5. Solar Energy Workshop- OARDC

    workshop at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster, who plan to shed light on ... those topics. The Solar Energy Workshop for Agricultural Producers will cover “how farmers and ... coordinator at OARDC and one of the event’s organizers. The workshop will feature seven sessions by speakers ...

  6. Capturing Nature's Wonders

    most out of the workshop you will need a camera that allows you to manually control apertures, shutter ... and M anual) and makes them easy to use, you will do just fine.   Bring to the workshop: digital ... the field trip Recommeded companion book for the workshop: Digital Photography Exposure for Dummies ...

  7. Wine Grape Disease, Insect and Weed Diagnostic Workshop, Piketon

    a day-long-workshop on pest scouting and the identificaton and management of grape disease, insect pests and weeds in ...

  8. Wine Grape Disease, Insect and Weed Diagnostic Workshop, Ashtabula

    a day-long-workshop on pest scouting and the identificaton and management of grape disease, insect pests and weeds in ...

  9. Drift Happens!

    Train the trainer workshop offered by the OARDC Weed Lab (Doug Doohan and Roger Downer aided and ...

  10. Northwest Ohio Woodland Workshop

    This workshop is for woodland owners wanting to explore a broad range of topics than concern the ...
