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  1. Open Student Dialogue on Qualitative Methodologies

    cultivate future programming workshops, bootcamps, and series to benefit the professional development of our ...

  2. Faces of Ohio

    provided feedback on county achievement forms at workshops for several years. I now serve as the secretary ...

  3. Effective Fellowship Writing Workshop

    BioScience Writers  will be hosting a fellowship writing workshop focused on the fundamentals of ... crafting a compelling, competitive fellowship application. This workshop is co-sponsored by The Office of ... Writing a Compelling Training Plan, and more! This workshop will include hands-on writing exercises and ...

  4. Buckeye Leadership Workshop

    Since 1944, the Buckeye Leadership Workshop (BLW) has helped youth and adults develop leadership ... skills. BLW is a learning and sharing workshop/conference intended as a balanced program of social, ... physical, mental, and spiritual activities. The workshop also benefits those who simply enjoy associating ...

  5. Timber Marketing Workshop: To Sell or Not to Sell

    Also being offered in a virtual format. Call for information.  Cost is still $15. ...

  6. Calendar of events

    Gardeners for a monthly hands-on gardening workshop. For information and registration, visit ...

  7. Calendar of events

    (Columbus)— 8 a.m. Join Franklin County Master Gardeners for a hands-on gardening workshop about “Planting the ...

  8. Endowments

    endowment funds support local 4-H programs through 4-H member scholarships and awards, educational workshops ...

  9. Financial Wellness Series- Nov 16-20

    series of workshops focused on improving your financial well-being! Ben Raines, Wellness Coordinator for ...

  10. Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letters (Academic Job Search Series)

    This workshop will address how to write vitae and cover letters when searching for jobs in ...
