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  1. 2023 Grapevine Pruning Workshop- Wooster


  2. Teaching Context-Appropriate Search Strategies Workshop

    workshop, participants will learn about teaching strategies and resources that can be used to help students ... locate relevant information using context-appropriate search strategies.        This workshop aligns with ... Locate, identify and use information through context-appropriate search strategies.        This workshop ...

  3. The Supervisor's Toolbox Session Descriptions

    a participant-oriented workshop that includes group interaction, small group discussions and action-planning feedback, ... priorities more effectively. The workshop will address the challenges of managing time, analyze how much time is ... workshop, you will learn the SIMPLE Method for holding employees accountable:               S = Set ...

  4. Elvis Has Left the Building

    traveled all over the state delivering weed management information at field days and workshops. His ability ...

  5. Islam participates in USDA FAS Borlaug Mentor Workshop

    with USDA-FAS administration, attended the two-day workshop event. Islam, who has mentored five ...

  6. Congratulations, Ed and Uttara!

    optimization, substrate selection and diversification of hydroponic crops. She organizes an annual workshop for ...

  7. Training at Ventrac

    Orrville, on June 28. This workshop, about emotional intelligence, was the sixth of twelve classes that make ...

  8. Soil Health Workshop Series in Kenton

    A series of Soil Health Workshops will be held on April 4th (Beginner) and April 6th (Advanced) at ... workshop will be April 4th from 9:00 am- 4:00 pm, with topics ranging from soil ecology and nutrient ... each workshop. Sign up by calling the Hardin County OSU Extension Office at 419-674-2297. The cost of ...

  9. Be Supported, Recognized and Rewarded for Excellence in Teaching

    e-mailing After this workshop participants will be able to:  Describe the new ...

  10. Women's Place Staff Leadership Series call for applications

    underrepresented groups to grow their leadership and power at the university, SLS workshops and gatherings are ...
