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  1. Kristina Slagle, PhD

    Management: A Case Study from the Structured Decision Making Workshop, National Conservation Training Center, ...

  2. Older Youth Opportunities

    4-H’ers from other states participating in workshops and touring our nation’s capital. Full scholarship ...

  3. SNAP-Ed

    SNAP-Ed is completed as a series of workshops or lessons, each providing evidence-based nutrition ...

  4. SENR Announcements, September 13

    Mansfield a workshop was held on Sept. 5 led by John Thrasher and Kate Shannon, with the OSU Mansfield ... Marne shared. Select cyanotypes created during the workshop will be featured in  Where Darkness and ... applicable) October 1: SENR Seminar Series>>   welcomes Dr. Tom DeSutter October 2: Workshop on ...

  5. Peer-to-Peer Learning Shines at SENR Internship Forum

    Services workshops, including “Searching for Jobs and Internships” on September 16 Fall career fairs, such ...

  6. Greg Lipps joins Columbus Zoo and Aquarium as First Conservation Biologist

    conferences and workshops, and maintaining an active role in the Ohio chapter of Partners in Amphibian and ...

  7. Extension Today: Farm Science Review

    live during workshops and conversations on-site. Ask the Expert sessions are held each day of FSR ...

  8. SENR Career Services: Students

    see other members of the CFAES Career Development Team during class visits, workshops, and walk-in career ...

  9. New Ventures project to bring together academic and conservation scientists

    convene for three workshops at SESYNC in Maryland.  During the workshops, the group will reinterpret ... participating in the workshops, which is co-lead by Tim Waring, assistant professor in the School of Economics ...

  10. SENR Career Engagement Certificate

    resources that are here to support your career journey, such as career fairs, workshops, career advising, ...
