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December marks return of Grape and Wine Analysis Workshop at OSU South Centers
the 2019 Grape and Wine Analysis Workshop. The workshop will run from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. ... cost of the workshop is $25 per person and includes an Italian-themed pasta and salad lunch catered by ... interested in getting started in this important economical industry, this workshop will provide valuable ...
2021 Vineyard Soil Management Workshop
Spotted Lanternfly Management Workshops
Blight to Bright: Reimagining Vacant Land
University, will host a field tour and workshop on August 19, 2019. It will highlight the importance of ... landscape. The workshop will be held at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. The City of Cleveland, Ohio ...
A Day in the Woods Series 'Tending Your Woodland' In-person workshop
Being offered to woodland owners in SE Ohio at the Vinton Furnace State Forest McArthur, OH – Like a garden, your woodland will likely provide more benefits if you give it some attention. “Tending Your Woodland”, an interactive outdoor learning opportunit ...
Spotted Lanternfly Management Workshops
Spotted Lanternfly Management Workshops
Islam delivers seminars, conducts grant writing workshop in Kyiv, Ukraine
organized a professional development on grant writing workshop during his visit to Ukraine. He delivered ... a day-long grant writing workshop to the faculty members, scientists, and researchers of the Institute of ... Water Problems and Land Reclamation in Kyiv. The grant writing workshop covered most of the aspects of ...
Aquaponics: Impacts and Opportunities
This educational aquaponics workshop will discuss the benefits and sustainability of an aquaponics ...
2019 Vintage Post Fermentation Wine Quality Control Workshop
attendance. Any additional wines may be evaluated by Todd Steiner after the workshop or at OSU for additional ...