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  1. Fruit Tree Workshop and DSU Banquet Dates and Info

    Dairy Service Unit Banquet, Tree Fruit Workshop Please join us for an evening of food and ... (330-988-8114) as soon as possible. Fruit Tree Workshop Pruning fruit trees can be a daunting task, especially if ... A.M. – Noon for a free Fruit Tree Pruning and Management Workshop. This workshop will be hosted at ...

  2. 4-H Alumni and Friends

    a club meeting workshop, devoted to your area of specialty. Judge projects. Serve as a judge for 4-H ...

  3. August 2022 Department Highlights

    facilitators from USDA Food Safety Inspection System, who assisted with the workshops in which participants ...

  4. Calendar of Events

    for purchase, and workshops and demonstrations on raising animals, producing your own food, and ...

  5. Local FFA Chapter Brings Home the Bacon through ARCOP Grant

    be donated, hence the desire for the grant. Being able to come in for a workshop with The Ohio State ...

  6. "Blast Off!" Active Parenting Virtual Classes

    "Blast Off!" is a 4-session virtual workshop designed to introduce you to tools to help ... Each workshop focuses on a different age range and you are welcome to attend multiple workshops. A $30 ... materials fee and pre-registration is required and you will have access to all 4 workshops. Those who ...

  7. Calendar of Events

    practices. Products and services will be available for purchase. Workshops and demonstrations about raising ...

  8. FAFSA Completion Workshop TOMORROW

    a FAFSA completion workshop on Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 1 p.m. in the library computer lab! You must file the ...

  9. 46 Gallons of Sap Makes 1 Gallon of Pancake Topper

    packed into containers when it is still hot and stored in a cool, dry location. Fruit Workshop, Plant ... workshop on April 12, Native plant day on April 21 and a greenhouse clinic on April 29. Please check the ...

  10. Early Grazing Can Mean Pasture Problems

    $10. On April 29 there will be a workshop at Smithville High School that will cover being successful in ...
