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  1. Lift Creepers

    If you have ever had to spend hours sitting on the floor of your workshop working on equipment, ... you know it can be hard to move across the workshop floor, or to stand, sit, kneel, and bend while you ...

  2. Building Independence through Agriculture for People with Developmental Disabilities

    Please come an join us at this one-day workshop! “People with intellectual and developmental ... unemployment rate.” (Butterworth et al., 2011) Purpose of the Workshop: To reveal how agriculture can be ... a viable work environment for individuals with developmental disabilities Workshop Objectives: • Increase ...

  3. "I'm not as YOUNG as I used to be" Workshop- Shelby & Auglaize Co

    AgrAbility will be conducting “I’m not as young as I used to be!” farming and gardening workshops throughout ... Ohio. The workshops will be about 2 hours in length, featuring topics on safety for older farmers, ... details about hosting a workshop contact Kent McGuire, OSU Agricultural Safety & Health, at ...

  4. Introductory HACCP

    For 2019 course information, please visit: This two-day workshop is an ...

  5. 2014 AgrAbility National Training Workshop

    Ohio AgrAbility staff will be attending the 2014 AgrAbility National Training Workshop in ... ...

  6. HTST Maintenance Workshop

    system. It is a hands-on advanced workshop covering all aspects of HTST, including process controls, ... hydraulics, pumps, valves, STLR maintenance, equipment testing and regulatory compliance. The workshop is ...

  7. "I'm not as YOUNG as I used to be" Workshop- Noble Co.

    AgrAbility will be conducting “I’m not as young as I used to be!” farming and gardening workshops throughout ... Ohio. The workshops will be about 2 hours in length, featuring topics on safety for older farmers, ...

  8. "I'm not as YOUNG as I used to be" Workshop- Hancock Co

    AgrAbility will be conducting “I’m not as young as I used to be!” farming and gardening workshops throughout ... Ohio. The workshops will be about 2 hours in length, featuring topics on safety for older farmers, ...

  9. 2015 AgrAbility National Training Workshop

    Join us April 13-16 in Rochester, New York for the 2015 AgrAbility National Training Workshop. For ...

  10. FSPCA- Preventive Controls for Human Food Training

    workshop meets FDA requirements for FSMA training. Course Topics Food Safety Plan Development Prerequisite ... is the Quality and Food Safety Director at Quality Chekd. Chuck has conducted workshops on various ...
