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  1. Training Workshop Offers Certification in Manure Handling

    a liability depending on how properly it is handled. A training workshop will be held in February for custom ...

  2. Ins and Outs of Ag Marketing Focus of Conference

    Workshops, sessions and presentations on assessing and evaluating new market opportunities, market ...

  3. Ohio Master Gardeners Teaching Green During MGV Week May 17-23

    a workshop called "Gardening 101: Just the Basics" from 6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. in the kitchen of ... the Erie County Service Center at 2900 Columbus Avenue in Sandusky. The workshop is free and open to ... Birchaven, a local retirement center, and they will co-sponsor a community rain barrel-making workshop ...

  4. Winter Floral Arranging Workshop- Wooster, Ohio

    This hands-on class is designed to teach basic floral design using plants found in the home landscape. ...

  5. One-Stop Agronomic Resource Still Going Strong After 40 Years

    a variety of OSU Extension workshops and conferences. "The publication is a good way to receive ...

  6. Ohio 4-H Engineering Team Places at National Contest

    industrial sites nearby. Included were workshops in the Department of Agricultural and Biological ...

  7. OSU Extension Seminar Hosts Internationally Known Economist

    economics from Cornell University, has conducted over 2,400 workshops and seminars for agribusinesses. He ...

  8. Internationally Known Economist to Feature Ag Investing Tips at OSU Extension Seminar

    University, has conducted over 2,400 workshops and seminars for agribusinesses. He has published four books ...

  9. Achievement Record Workshop


  10. 4-H Club Officers Training Workshop

    Download Informational Flyer ...
