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  1. Ohio’s Worst Woodland Invaders and How to Stop Them: May 20

    They’ll show how in a workshop in northeast Ohio.   The event is called Forest Health: Non-Native Invasive ... Stewards Program is the workshop’s sponsor. The college’s outreach arm, Ohio State University Extension, ... need for their habitat. Also speaking at the workshop will be staff from the arboretum.   Identifying ...

  2. Introduction to QGIS

    ultimately demonstrate how to create maps using the tools introduced during the workshop.  There are 4.5 ...

  3. Data Management Plan (DMP) Tool Workshop

    requirements and expectations. To get the most out of this workshop, please bring a laptop to the session. ...

  4. Internship Registration Workshop

    employment verification letter to the workshop and we will review what is required for the ENR 2191 and ENR ... 4191 internship course and then get you registered on the spot. This workshop will be held in 333C ...

  5. Wetlands for Wildlife

    Wetlands provide countless ecosystem services to local ecology and wildlife. This workshop will ...

  6. Internship Registration Workshop

    employment verification letter to the workshop and we will review what is required for the ENR 2191 and ENR ... 4191 internship course and then get you registered on the spot. This workshop will be held in 333C ...

  7. Internship Registration Workshop

    employment verification letter to the workshop and we will review what is required for the ENR 2191 and ENR ... 4191 internship course and then get you registered on the spot. This workshop will be held in 333C ...

  8. Renewable Energy Workshop

    opportunities during a daylong workshop to be held Nov. 12. The annual Renewable Energy Workshop will include ...

  9. Healthy Soil Healthy Environment

    well as workshops and field days where research results will be presented. This new program will serve ...

  10. Tree Diagnostics

    diagnose the problem and this workshop will work through those steps.  The day is spent both inside and out ...
