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  1. Gypsum Spread on Farms Could Help Keep Water Clean, Not Green

    shown in the foreground. (Photo: K.D Chamberlain, CFAES Communications.) A September 2014 workshop ...

  2. Events in Hocking Hills This Winter

    “Wilderness First Aid,” REI workshop.  $225 for REI members, $255 for non members.  Register at ...

  3. CANCELLED: LinkedIn Workshop and Networking Reception

    Update your calendars: the November 10th LinkedIn workshop has been cancelled.  ...

  4. International Researchers & Ohio State Faculty Collaborate to Improve Food Security, Carry on the Legacy of Norman Borlaug

    Islam are currently planning a workshop in Ghana next May with Emmanuel and Kwame to provide training in ...

  5. Registration deadline for Certified Interpretive Guide Workshop

    Registration deadline for the Certified Interpretive Guide Workshop.  ...

  6. Let's JAM...a hands-on jam-making workshop!

    Shannon Carter, Extension Educator, will guide participants in making strawberry jam from scratch. Participants will be able to take home a jar at the end of the session! Cost is $10 per participant (cash/check only). Registration/payment required by June ...

  7. Let's JAM...a hands-on jam-making workshop!

    Shannon Carter, Extension Educator, will guide participants in making strawberry jam from scratch. Participants will be able to take home a jar at the end of the session! Cost is $10 per participant (cash/check only). Registration/payment required by June ...

  8. SENR- A Year in Review

    prestigious Joint 2013 MBI-NIMBioS-CAMBAM Summer Graduate Workshop- Connecting Biological Data with ...

  9. LinkedIn Networking Workshop and Reception

    Craft a great LinkedIn profile or polish your existing page. Learn from our experts about how to make each section look it’s best. A panel of alumni will be on hand to share how they use this platform in hiring and connecting. An alumni networking recepti ...

  10. Previous Presentations

    Forest Ecology Workshop 2013 in Bloomington, Indiana, June 2013.   SENR's Adam Zwickle presented,  ...
