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  1. This was the polar express: ‘Worst grape damage on record in Ohio’

    grow about 1,900 acres of grape vines in all. Dami and colleagues are giving workshops around Ohio ...

  2. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    Reeder, a retired Ohio State University Extension agricultural engineer. From offering a workshop on the ... Service, will present the soil health workshop at 9:30 a.m. on March 2. Speakers for the 11 a.m. panel ...

  3. 4-H Horse Bowl/ Hippology/ Judging Clinic

    Event Details: This event is open to all 4-H youth and adults in Ohio. The clinics and workshop will be ...

  4. Communiqué April 10, 2013

    Relationships Using Strengths- May 8 National Outreach and Engagement Staff Workshop- May 10 Carolyn Gunther ... will sponsor 10 individuals to attend both the pre-conference workshop May 6 and the conference on May ... facilitating this workshop on May 8 from 9 a.m.- noon at room 105 of Agricultural Administration building. The ...

  5. MXC- Making Extreme Counselors- Ohio 4-H Center

    MXC is a national award-winning workshop that will be useful for all potential camp counselors. ...

  6. Ruby-Slipper Leadership Workshop

    team success. Create strategies to overcome adversity. Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop. Cost ...

  7. Communiqué April 13, 2012

    exciting programs and activities that are going on throughout the state: leadership workshops; signature ... World; urban immersion program; ServSafe®; bullying workshops; 4-H projects in biotechnology; freeway ... apr13-2012_billwilliamsfominationForm2012.pdf National Outreach Scholarship Conference- Emerging Engagement Scholars Workshop Applications are ...

  8. Give 'em the Pickle Customer Service Workshop

    service. The workshop will be facilitated by Beth Flynn. Cost is $75 per participant. Register online at ...

  9. Ohio Hops and Malting Barley Conference and Trade Show

    started growing both hops and malting barley. Workshop topics will include: Planning to make your hop farm ...

  10. Muck Crops Field Day

    manager. The workshop will also offer growers information on several research trials being conducted at the ...
