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  1. Capturing Nature's Wonders

    the most out of the workshop you will need a camera that allows you to manually control apertures, ... and Manual) and makes them easy to use, you will do just fine.     Bring to the workshop:   digital ... the field trip Recommeded companion book for the workshop: Digital Photography Exposure for Dummies ...

  2. Faculty presenting at upcoming Ecological Food and Farming Conference

    conference on sustainable food and farming, the event offers nearly 80 hour-and-a-half workshops on organic ... farming and related topics, including 10 with speakers from Ohio State. One track of workshops is  ... Workshop speakers also will come from farms, businesses, nonprofits, advocacy groups, agencies and ...

  3. Farm Vision Workshop

    Are you an aspiring or new farmer planning your dream farm? This workshop will help you map out ...

  4. The Farmers’ Table

    Sustainable Farm Tour and Workshop Series. For a full schedule of events, go to ...

  5. Tip #2- Attend a Resume Workshop

    As part of our Countdown to Expo- a resume workshop is coming up! The workshop will review and ...

  6. Woodland Pollinators at OSU Mansfield

    well-known- pollinator habitat. In this day-long workshop, we will explore the woodlands around the OSU ...

  7. Photography Exhibit

    Students in the EEOB communication Science via Photography Workshop will hold a photography ...

  8. Ohio Ecologicaql Food and Farm Association 36th Annual Conference

    High School (248 New Burg St., Granville). The conference features more than 100 workshops on organic ... Steve Culman will participate in the Love Your Healthy Soil Workshop and explain the available ...

  9. HTST Maintenance Workshop

    system. It is a hands-on advanced workshop covering all aspects of HTST, including process controls, ... hydraulics, pumps, valves, STLR maintenance, equipment testing and regulatory compliance. The workshop is ...

  10. Register by Friday for May 29 Endangered Species Act Workshop

    workshop for professionals on the act. “Increasing scientific evidence indicates we may be entering a sixth ... Environmental Sciences. The workshop, featuring talks by university and agency experts, is 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 ... administer it.” Speaking at the workshop will be: Bruskotter, “A Brief Introduction to the ESA.” Scott ...
