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  1. Fruit Tree Workshop and DSU Banquet Dates and Info

    Dairy Service Unit Banquet, Tree Fruit Workshop Please join us for an evening of food and ... (330-988-8114) as soon as possible. Fruit Tree Workshop Pruning fruit trees can be a daunting task, especially if ... A.M. – Noon for a free Fruit Tree Pruning and Management Workshop. This workshop will be hosted at ...

  2. 2019 CFAES Teaching & Learning Symposium

    practices that enhance learning and educational relationships for all students. You will leave the workshop ... Workshop Learn skills and techniques to produce and use video as a teaching aid and as a student evaluation ...

  3. Dairy Palooza Wrap-Up

    and also the thank you writing session.  After lunch and the group photo, we then had workshops ...

  4. Morning Concurrent Session Offerings

    learning experience (a single class meeting or workshop) in order to maximize learning. We’ll discuss ...

  5. "Blast Off!" Active Parenting Virtual Classes

    "Blast Off!" is a 4-session virtual workshop designed to introduce you to tools to help ... Each workshop focuses on a different age range and you are welcome to attend multiple workshops. A $30 ... materials fee and pre-registration is required and you will have access to all 4 workshops. Those who ...

  6. Vet School Interview Prep Workshop

    This workshop is for anyone applying to vet school or thinking about applying to vet school. The ... answering them. After the workshop we encourage you to put your new skills into practice by setting up ...

  7. Webinar: A Potential New Nemesis for Garlic Mustard?

    distribution- but we need your help! This workshop will teach you how you can contribute to this effort, ...

  8. Winter Tree ID

    key.  This one day workshop is designed to give participants in-depth training and practice on identifying ...

  9. 2023 Dairy Hall of Service Recognition

    many workshops, such as “So Your Dairy Client Wants to Expand”, dairy certificate programs for ...

  10. 46 Gallons of Sap Makes 1 Gallon of Pancake Topper

    packed into containers when it is still hot and stored in a cool, dry location. Fruit Workshop, Plant ... workshop on April 12, Native plant day on April 21 and a greenhouse clinic on April 29. Please check the ...
