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  1. Wildlife Topic of Virtual Evening Garden Affair

    Resources.  She provides a variety of educational programs, workshops, conferences, and publications centered ...

  2. Agriculture and Natural Resources: Meeting the Challenge

    Did your usual workshop get canceled?  Looking to fill the void of the big basketball tournament? ...

  3. Scholarship available

    workshops, and other various projects. Any Miami County resident attending a four year college, university, ... booths, offering workshops and fun events, and always providing RESEARCH-BASED, UNBIASED RELIABLE ...

  4. Intensive Soybean Management Workshop- Clinton County

    host an Intensive Soybean Management Workshop Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at the Clinton County ... PM. This hands-on workshop is designed to help soybean growers become better crop managers and in turn ... ...

  5. West Central Ohio Corn College

    The 2019 Corn College is a daylong workshop offered on March 13 that will focus on what farmers ... latest research to maximize corn crop yields in an economical fashion. The workshop will be held at Upper ...

  6. Intensive Soybean Management Workshop

    host an Intensive Soybean Management Workshop Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at the Clinton County ... PM. This hands-on workshop is designed to help soybean growers become better crop managers and in turn ... flyer: ...

  7. Workshop: Commercializing Biobased Products

    Advanced Biobased Systems Workshop is an opportunity to learn more about commercialization of biobased ... technologies and products. The workshop will bring together representatives from industry, research, and others ... businesses that  have successfully brought products to market. The workshop is September 10 at the Nationwide ...

  8. Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop- Hardin County

    group hands-on workshop being held at the OSU Extension office, 1021 W Lima Street in Kenton.  The ... workshop will begin at 9:00 am and conclude by 3:30 pm.  This soybean workshop is open to soybean producers ...

  9. Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop

    group hands-on workshop being held at the OSU Extension office, 1021 W Lima Street in Kenton.  The ... workshop will begin at 9:00 am and conclude by 3:30 pm.  This soybean workshop is open to soybean producers ...

  10. Ohio Certified Crop Adviser Pre-Exam Training

    two-day workshop but will be spread across four days this year, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and adjourn by 1:00 ...
