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  1. MXC Counselor Workshop


  2. Cash for Manure? Workshop Looks at Ways to Clean Up Grand Lake St. Marys

    February 11, 2011 MARIA STEIN, Ohio-- A workshop next month in western Ohio aims to clean up Grand ...

  3. Holy Toledo (Botanical Garden)! Family Bat Workshop Coming Soon

    gives workshops on bats around the state. Her next one, called “Mind-boggling Bats!” is on Aug. 15 at ...

  4. Diagnose Woody Plant Pests and Diseases at Plant Diagnostic Academy

    Cox Arboretum and Garden Metropark in Dayton, Ohio. The workshop offers intensive hands-on programming ...

  5. OARDC to Host Large-scale Composting Course; 'One of Nation's Leading Programs'

    March 4, 2011 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Ohio State University will hold a workshop later this month on the ...

  6. New Research to Examine Connections Between Land Use, Public Policy, Lake Erie Water Quality and Climate Change

    updated with workshops and other public educational events, which are part of the project’s outreach ...

  7. Ohio State Expert: Late Planting Can Still Result in Strong Yields if Corn Growers Make Adjustments

    growers on what they’ll need to know about late planting adjustments, he said. The workshop is a part of ...

  8. OSU Sustainable Ag Tour offers up-close look at alternative production systems

    Sustainable Farm Tour and Workshop Series. The series is a unique opportunity for growers and other interested ...

  9. Five Ohio State Faculty Members Recognized by American Phytopathological Society

    co-organizer of the Rice Functional Genomics Workshop at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference.   In addition, ...

  10. Chadwick Arboretum Fundraiser Sale Sept. 7-9

    garden workshops in 2009. "Fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs, as well as perennials, ...
