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  1. Students recognized for their leadership

    retreats and leadership development workshops for fellow Ambassadors, and managed the recruitment of two ...

  2. Upcoming Symposium to Address Innovations in Lake Management

    Trending: Innovations in Lake Management will feature exhibits, workshops, field trips, social and ...

  3. Bees in Your Backyard Workshop

    workshops with book signing featuring Olivia Carril, Biologist and Author. August 2, University of Mount ...

  4. Composting: From Garbage to Gold

    Composting: From Garbage to Gold workshop on Sunday, April 26, 2015, from 2-4 p.m. at the Coshocton County ... Services Building.  Registration for the workshop is $35 and must be paid in advance to hold your spot in ... the class.  Registration is limited to 25 participants.  Each workshop participant will take home a 65 ...

  5. Tree Diagnostic Workshop

    will be covered during the workshopWorkshop will be held at the Mansfield branch of The Ohio State ...

  6. Ohio State Experts Presenting at Sustainable Agriculture Conference

    conference offers numerous workshops and a full-day pre-conference event featuring Ohio State and industry ... the available tests for active soil organic matter in one of the featured conference workshops titled, ...

  7. For SENR Career Workshops (Not Linked!)

    Aldo Leopold's Resume  ...

  8. SNAP-Ed

    SNAP-Ed is completed as a series of workshops or lessons, each providing evidence-based nutrition ...

  9. Elevator Speech Workshop

    some help polishing your elevator pitch? Come to this workshop to learn about how to develop an ... workshop to attend to prepare for spring semester Career Expos! ...

  10. Tree Diagnostic Workshop-- What is Wrong with My Tree?

    be covered during the workshop. The workshop will be held at the Mansfield branch of The Ohio State ...
