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  1. NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award- Outreach/Education/Diversity Workshop

    This workshop is designed to help applicants develop the education/outreach/diversity portion of ...

  2. Dairy Youth Program Updates

    morning.  Various workshops and sessions will take place in the afternoon outlined around content for three ...

  3. Cost of Nutrients in Feedstuffs

    about a training workshop in your area for how to use this software. The cost of nutrients: Ohio, March ...

  4. Homeland Security Steps Up Interior Immigration Enforcement

    human resource issues through newsletters, manuals, a web site, phone consultation and workshops ...

  5. U.S. Dairy Markets and Policy Update

    have had the opportunity to participate in a workshop or conference detailing this program.  I will ...

  6. Post-Award Workshop

    During this Fiscal Overview session, many items will be discussed including: Release Time/Cost Share Form-considerations, accuracy and how to avoid issues Effort Certification (eCert) and why this is necessary Audit worthy transactions, best practices for ...

  7. Post-award Grant/Contract Management Workshop

    May 19, 2016 10:00- 11:30 am Research Services 130 Please join us for Post-Award Grant/Contract Management.   During this session we will learn about: 1. Financial responsibilities in monitoring projects: who does what as the PI, department administrator, ...

  8. HTST Pasteurization Workshop

    The two-day pasteurization seminar that gives participants an overview of the concepts of pasteurization, equipment, fail-safe devices, functions and regulatory applications, design and function as related to time, temperature and pressure of the HTST (Hi ...

  9. HTST Pasteurization Workshop

    The two-day pasteurization seminar that gives participants an overview of the concepts of pasteurization, equipment, fail-safe devices, functions and regulatory applications, design and function as related to time, temperature and pressure of the HTST (Hi ...

  10. 2014 Nonthermal Processing Workshop

