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  1. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training Materials Available Online

    you must attend a workshop where training is offered. To learn more about who needs certification, and ...

  2. Food Preservation Workshops- Water Bath Canning and Tomatoes Workshop

    You will paticpate and learn the correct techniques to can tomatoes using the water bath method. ...

  3. Food Preservation Workshops- Pressure Canning Green Beans Workshop

    Safe pressure canning of low acid foods will be discussed, and you will be participating in geen bean canning. ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-37

    Software for Nutrient Management Plan Development Workshops 2014 Ohio Commercial Pesticide Applicator ... soil pH but not sulfate. Software for Nutrient Management Plan Development Workshops Greg LaBarge Using ... an example farm, this workshop will walk through the steps to create a Nutrient Management Plan as ...

  5. Master Gardener Volunteer Diagnostic Workshop

    See the Flyer. ...

  6. Catalpadale Bristol Dairy Scholarship established at Ohio State ATI

    field trips, hands-on training workshops, and internships. He has also partnered with graduate students ...

  7. Food Preservation Workshops- Once a Month Cooking

    Use these tips and techniques to make healthy meals for your family in bulk, saving time and energy. ...

  8. Food Preservation Workshops- Freezing and Drying Fruits and Vegetables

    Learn to correctly freeze and dry fruits and vegetables. ...

  9. Making Sense of Soil Health Testing: Ohio State’s Path Forward

    train-the-trainer workshops to educate OSU Extension Educators and others in soil health. But there is much work to ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-04

    Conservation Tillage Conference Ohio Weed Resistance Workshops Conservation Tillage Conference March 6 and ... Resistance Workshops Mark Loux   The OSU Extension Agronomic Crops team, Ohio Soybean Association, and Ohio ... Agribusiness Association, along with various other entities, are sponsoring workshops on herbicide and weed ...
