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  1. Sally A. Miller

    participation in grower-oriented meetings and workshops, farm visits, and commercial vegetable disease diagnosis ...

  2. 2018 Promotion in Extension Workshop Materials

    A&P Agenda – November 19, 2018 Engaging a Support Network for Building your Promotion Portfolio:  – Jackie Kirby Wilkins The Role of the Supervisor Faculty Agenda – April 4, 2018 Promotion in Extension – Ken Martin AD role in P&T Process – Greg Da ...

  3. 2016 Promotion in Extension Workshop Materials

    Building Your Vita  – Jeff McCutcheon, Lisa McCutcheon Creative Works Section of Dossier  – Mary Beth Albright Research and Creative Works Evaluation  – Rob Leeds Promotion and Tenure – Ken Martin Long-Range Planning – Andy Londo Who are you?  – Bob Horto ...

  4. 2015 Promotion in Extension Workshop Materials

    Engaging a Support Network for Building your Dossier  – Jackie Kirby Wilkins How Can I be Successful in the Promotion and Tenure Process – David Civittolo Things that Catch the Eye of the P and T Committee  – Jackie Kirby Wilkins ...

  5. 2014 Promotion in Extension Workshop Materials

    Agenda – November 12, 2014 Building Your Vita  - Lisa McCutcheon, Myra Moss One of These Things Does Not Belong Here  - Jeff McCutcheon Definition of Curriculum  - Eric Barrett, Jackie Kirby Wilkins Curriculum Samples  - Jackie Kirby Wilkins Recommendatio ...

  6. NIFA Invests in project to build farmer-led organic research in Ohio

    a series of regional workshops and engagement activities laying the foundation for a robust Ohio Organic ...; 330-263-3634. Photo caption:  For the project’s first official workshop, farmers and university ... questions based on common interests of workshop attendees suggesting five group themes and worked together ...

  7. WKSHP 120: Fish Sampling Techniques Workshop (Application Deadline: Sept. 22)

    Application Link Description An intensive, two-day workshop designed to demonstrate the fish-sampling gears ... weekend early in autumn semester. Workshop registration is first-come, first-served and limited to ...

  8. Soumya Ghosh

    assessment of the impacts of the Bindal River on the Dehradun city. Asia Pacific Workshop on Forest ...

  9. Changing leaves brings visibility to the importance of trees on campus and beyond

    through regular outreach workshops and classes, covering topics such as invasive species, identification ...

  10. Woodland Owners and Maple Production: Is It An Income Opportunity for You?

    be difficult to achieve an annual income but maple production may be the answer. This workshop will ...
