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  1. Workshop: The Gift of Accountability: How to Respond When Someone Calls You In/Out for Causing Harm

    getting defensive?  This 90-minute workshop will address best practices for engaging in accountability ... workshop, you will be better prepared to: Sit with, rather than run from, the discomfort of accountability ...

  2. Workshop: Responding to Microaggressions: Bystander Intervention Strategies that Work for Everyone

    bias in everyday interactions. In this 2-hour workshop, we will explore some of the most commonly ...

  3. Introductory Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Process (HACCP) course draws industry processors statewide

    FSIS meat inspection, helped facilitate the HACCP workshops alongside coordinator and Animal Sciences ...

  4. (Speaker Series) Food systems inequity in the United States: How land use and development policy drive food insecurity in urban areas

    communities by providing workshops, webinars, and local history tours in order to bring the Institute’s ...

  5. Summer Courses at Stone Lab

    scholarships to students with financial need. Anyone taking a for-credit class (and some workshops) is eligible ...

  6. RESCHEDULED: The Gift of Accountability: How to Respond When Someone Calls You In/Out for Causing Harm

    it personally or feeling defensive? This 90-minute workshop positions accountability as a wonderful ... without getting defensive when someone calls you in/out for causing harm. After attending this workshop ...

  7. Workshop: Responding to Microaggressions: Bystander Intervention Strategies that Work for Everyone

    bias in everyday interactions. In this 2-hour workshop, we will explore some of the most commonly ...

  8. Workshop: Exploding Myths About Transgender and Nonbinary People

    this 90-minute workshop we will cover basic terminology and differentiate identities related to gender ...

  9. Bats draw incredible showing

    individuals in attendance. The workshop was a dynamic and collaborative effort involving Marne Titchenell, ...

  10. Stone Laboratory Offers Scholarships for Science Classes on Lake Erie Island Campus This Summer

    credit courses and workshops each summer on topics ranging from algae identification to ecology. “A ... 2024.  Anyone taking a for-credit class (as well as certain workshops) is eligible to apply for a Stone ...
