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  1. Bees in Your Backyard...And the Plants They Visit- Location 2

    upcoming series of bee biology and identification workshops can help get people started. Olivia Carril, ... a biologist and author of Bees in Your Backyard, will travel to Ohio in August to teach the workshops from ... Aug. 2 through Aug. 5 at locations in central and northeast Ohio. The workshops are titled Bees in Your ...

  2. STEM Pathways Workshop

    Join EECO and OSU Extension Mahoning County 4-H program for a workshop on the 4-H STEM Pathways ... This workshop will explore three Challenges in the STEM Pathways curriculum. •Independent Problem-based ...

  3. The Ohio Sensitive Crop Registry

    A couple of weeks ago I attended a drift control workshop taught by Doug Doohan, OSU Extension ... a specialty in pesticide application technology.  The purpose of the workshop was to teach participants about ... Specifically the workshop was held to talk about drift management within the context of working with the new ...

  4. New and Small Farm Conference and Trade Show- Northern Ohio

    operations. Land owners can attend workshops and seminars taught by Extension professionals and industry ...

  5. Summer Grafting Workshop

    upcoming workshop on the topic. The arboretum, part of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ... Center, is holding its annual Summer Grafting Workshop from 8 a.m. to noon July 20. The rootstock of ... “It’s a skill a home gardener can apply to almost any deciduous tree,” he said. The workshop will ...

  6. Education Marketing Program

    consumers to help increase the visibility and economic potential of their businesses at a workshop offered ... at three Ohio locations in March and April. The Educational Marketing Program workshop is being ... program identifies and promotes food and agricultural products made and grown in Ohio. The workshop is ...

  7. Education Marketing Program

    consumers to help increase the visibility and economic potential of their businesses at a workshop offered ... at three Ohio locations in March and April. The Educational Marketing Program workshop is being ... program identifies and promotes food and agricultural products made and grown in Ohio. The workshop is ...

  8. Turn Your Favorite Tree Into Many, by Grafting

    upcoming workshop on the topic. The arboretum, part of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ... Center, is holding its annual Summer Grafting Workshop from 8 a.m. to noon July 20. The rootstock of ... “It’s a skill a home gardener can apply to almost any deciduous tree,” he said. The workshop will ...

  9. Pollinator School

    For more details and registration information, click HERE This workshop is intended for formal and ...

  10. DeviceReady: Marketing Your On-line Presence

    statewide can learn how to better manage their online presence to promote their businesses at a workshop ... Ohio State University. The DeviceReady marketing workshop is April 25 and will be led by specialists ... outreach arm of the college. The workshop is designed to offer business owners information on key marketing ...
