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  1. Grafting Workshop

    Learn the what, why and how behind the art of plant grafting. This hands-on workshop will focus on ...

  2. Commercial Grape and Wine Workshop ~ A practical Approach

    for a daylong workshop and learn the basics of grapevine propagation techniques, vineyard management, ...

  3. 5-Day Research Impact Challenge (Online Workshop)

    This is an online challenge designed to help researchers enhance the impact and visibility of their research.  Each day during the week of  February 3-7, 2020, participants will receive an email with one or two tasks to complete that will help you to enha ...

  4. FSPCA- Preventive Controls for Human Food Training

    Qualified Individual Certification Workshop This 2 ½ day course uses FDA-recognized and ... workshop meets FDA requirements for FSMA training. Course Topics Food Safety Plan Development Prerequisite ... is the Quality and Food Safety Director at Quality Chekd. Chuck has conducted workshops on various ...

  5. Lit Review Workshop (Wooster)

    Kick off your lit review with tips and techniques to stay organized and find the best sources. ...

  6. Introductory HACCP

    This two-day workshop is an introduction to Hazard, Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) ...

  7. Small Grains Management Workshop


  8. FSPCA- Preventive Controls for Human Food Training

    workshop meets FDA requirements for FSMA training. Course Topics Food Safety Plan Development Prerequisite ... is the Quality and Food Safety Director at Quality Chekd. Chuck has conducted workshops on various ...

  9. Pruning Workshop- AARS Kingsville

    The second of two pruning workshops will be hosted by AARS- Kingsville.  The potential for very ...

  10. Pruning Workshop- RSV

    The first of two pruning workshops will be hosted by Rockside Vineyard.  The potential for very ...
