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  1. Wetlands for Wildlife all day workshop

    Wetlands provide countless ecosystem services to local ecology and wildlife. This workshop will ...

  2. Introduction to QGIS

    ultimately demonstrate how to create maps using the tools introduced during the workshop.  There are 4.5 ...

  3. Silent Lights- a tribute to fireflies

    family lectures, firefly viewings and an in-depth weekend workshop sponsored by the non-profit Arc of ... A three-day weekend workshop will be hosted at the Highlands Nature Sanctuary from Friday to Saturday morning ...

  4. Walls completes internship with FFA Camp Muskingum

    our advanced camper program which are the seniors and grads. Walls organized two workshops and ...

  5. 'Wading Into Wetlands' presentation by Dr. Patricia Saunders

    Plan to attend the 2016 pre-OCVN conference workshop (3 slots remaining!) Wading into Wetlands on ... PM. This workshop will address how to effectively engage both youth and adult audiences through ...

  6. Tree Diagnostics

    diagnose the problem and this workshop will work through those steps.  The day is spent both inside and out ...

  7. Native Plant Sales at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History

    the Museum's Natural Areas Program. Check out the workshops below to learn how to landscape with ...

  8. 2015 AgrAbility National Training Workshop

    Join us April 13-16 in Rochester, New York for the 2015 AgrAbility National Training Workshop. For ...

  9. Forest Health_Non-native Invasive Plants

    a woodland can have long reaching impacts on forest health and the wildlife it harbors. This workshop ...

  10. Save the Date! 2015 AgrAbility National Training Workshop

    Join us April 13-16 in Rochester, New York for the 2015 AgrAbility National Training Workshop, the ...
