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  1. ListServs

    a program area. The ListServ also provides us a quick way to share information about workshops that will be ...

  2. Workshop: Using Videos to Enhance Teaching and Learning

    hybrid and in-person), technology workshops, equipment loans, and software reviews. She is also involved ...

  3. Comprehensive Outreach and Training Program to Expand Development of North Central Region Aquaculture

    workshops throughout the NCR. Topical areas for these fee-based workshops include culture techniques for ... issues. Additionally, workshop presentations and materials will be posted on NCRAC’s website and Ohio ... State University South Center’s website for archival and dissemination. The workshops are being ...

  4. OSU Extension Direct Food & Agricultural Marketing Team

    – A one-day workshop that helps local food producers explore various market channels: direct to consumers, ... direct to restaurants, direct to wholesale, and direct to institutions. The workshop focuses on the main ...

  5. Kazak researcher receives short-term training on sustainable agriculture

    attended several professional meetings, workshops, and field days.  His short-term training was supported ...

  6. Learning and Relationships: Practical Strategies

    workshop with a draft plan for how you can either deepen something you already do or introduce a new ...

  7. Year 2 of Aquaculture Boot Camp-2 is off to a strong start in Ohio, Wisconsin

    An extensive Aquaculture/Aquaponic Boot Camp-2 agenda was developed with 12 workshops to be offered ... were selected to participate in the ABC-2 Intensive program. Attendance at the first four workshops has ... workshop. Final project presentations are scheduled for January 2019. Three of the four business and ...

  8. Mandela Washington Fellowship Reciprocal Visit to Ghana

    workshops, mentorship, and networking opportunities with recognized leaders in each field and interaction ... workshop. The purpose of this project was to help develop a collaboration between The Ohio State University ... objectives were to (1) organize a “train-the-trainer” workshop for agricultural scientists, educators and ...

  9. Green Home Workshop

    workshop will help homeowners and builders understand ways they can minimize energy costs and improve their ... its partners will host the second Green Home Workshop at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H ... speakers at the workshop, which is for homeowners, builders, building professionals, students and faculty. ...

  10. Learn How to Bring Down Your Home Energy Bills

    workshop will help homeowners and builders understand ways they can minimize energy costs and improve their ... its partners will host the second Green Home Workshop at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H ... speakers at the workshop, which is for homeowners, builders, building professionals, students and faculty. ...
