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  1. A&P Promotion Workshop

    a repeat workshop session in January. As a reminder, the guidelines for the new administrative and ...

  2. Compost System Makeover

    renovate a composting system from one that is not working to one that is! This will be a hands-on workshop ...

  3. Measuring Your Garden's Impact

    participating in the workshop!   ...

  4. Building Raised Beds

    to grow. In this hands-on workshop, we will build examples of raised beds, while learning about their ...

  5. High Tunnel Series: Drip Irrigation & Lessons Learned after One Season

    The first in a series of workshops for growing in a high tunnel. Learn how to set up drip ...

  6. Introductory HACCP

    This two-day workshop is an introduction to Hazard, Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) ...

  7. 2016 Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop

    Looking for ways to maximize soybean yield and profit? Attend one of three hands-on workshops open ... to producers and other agricultural professionals. The workshop is occurring at three locations: Feb ... workshop. Advanced registration is due at least five days before each workshop. Cost is $70 per person; ...

  8. 2016 Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop

    Looking for ways to maximize soybean yield and profit? Attend one of three hands-on workshops open ... to producers and other agricultural professionals. The workshop is occurring at three locations: Feb ... workshop. Advanced registration is due at least five days before each workshop. Cost is $70 per person; ...

  9. 2016 Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop

    Looking for ways to maximize soybean yield and profit? Attend one of three hands-on workshops open ... to producers and other agricultural professionals. The workshop is occurring at three locations: Feb ... workshop. Advanced registration is due at least five days before each workshop. Cost is $70 per person; ...

  10. 2016 Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop Series- FULL!

    Workshop is full.  Keep in mind for next year.  It fills up within 48 hours. For those interested, ... the Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop Series is an intensive educational program developed by OSU ...
