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  1. Proceedings

    Workshop. February, 2017. Piketon, OH, USA. Shen Z.G., H.P. Wang, H. Yao, L. Guo, and X. Li.  2017. 5s rRNA ...

  2. ABC-1

    Intermediate ABC-1 students, nine aquaculture workshops were offered in 2013, 2014, and 2015. Two Aquaculture ... technologies by participating in ABC-1 Intermediate workshops and bus tours, and more than 5,000 participants ...

  3. Success Stories

    workshops. We completed these workshops in September 2021 training and certifying 23 high school students as ... a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt workshop for the 23 students that completed their Yellow Belt in September as ... well as another Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt workshop for 21 additional students. Students are required ...

  4. Online Fruit Pruning School

    Come join us for a two-part, online workshop to learn proper pruning techniques to improve ...

  5. 2023 Grapevine Pruning Workshop- Wooster


  6. Elvis Has Left the Building

    traveled all over the state delivering weed management information at field days and workshops. His ability ...

  7. Islam participates in USDA FAS Borlaug Mentor Workshop

    with USDA-FAS administration, attended the two-day workshop event. Islam, who has mentored five ...

  8. Soil Health Workshop Series in Kenton

    A series of Soil Health Workshops will be held on April 4th (Beginner) and April 6th (Advanced) at ... workshop will be April 4th from 9:00 am- 4:00 pm, with topics ranging from soil ecology and nutrient ... each workshop. Sign up by calling the Hardin County OSU Extension Office at 419-674-2297. The cost of ...

  9. Kazak scholar visiting South Centers

    and other related workshops for his professional development and develop collaborative academic and ...

  10. “Planning for the Future of Your Farm” Workshops offered by OSU Extension

    To kick off 2022, OSU Extension will be offering “Planning for the Future of Your Farm” workshops ... to help farm families actively plan for the future of their farm business. The workshops are designed ... This workshop will be taught by members of the OSU Farm Office Team. Families can choose to attend the ...
