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  1. Alia Dietsch

    conservation. White paper developed for participants involved in a social science workshop at the 2014 North ...

  2. Name That Tree

    you have. This one-day workshop is designed to give participants in-depth training and practice on ...

  3. Secrest Garden Fair

    will also be free workshops and a raffle of items donated by artists and crafters. During the Garden ...

  4. Grants Fuel the Co-creation of Outdoor Play for Teen Girls and Their Communities

    engaging underrepresented teen girls from Columbus in co-design workshops to explore their lived ... play and advocacy visions," — Lily Mank Workshop activities will include journey mapping, focus ...

  5. SENR Career Services: Students

    see other members of the CFAES Career Development Team during class visits, workshops, and walk-in career ...

  6. Additional Resources at Ohio State

    and intercultural celebrations, heritage and awareness events, dialogues, workshops ...

  7. ATI students attend MANRRS national conference

    Members from Columbus and Wooster participated in networking, workshops based around personal and ...

  8. Annual New Student Trip to Stone Lab

    faculty-led research activities on the island and surrounding waters Workshops with current SENR students and ... college-credit courses and resume-building workshops each and every summer on a six-acre island in Put-in-Bay ...

  9. SEEing the Possibilities

    departments. SEE workshops for students  cover a wide range of topics, including career and job search skills, ... pursued workshops in topics like utilizing Handshake, emotional intelligence, and time management.  Two ...

  10. SENR Career Services: Employers

    ways in which we can help your organization engage with ENR Buckeyes:  Host a skill-building workshop ...
