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  1. Campus Campaign 2014 Wrap-Up

    the Hero Camp & STRONG Family Workshop on Thursday, July 24, 2014. Your $90 gift covers the cost ...

  2. Capturing Natures Wonders

    Spend a fun and exciting day learning how to take your outdoor photography to the next level.  You'll receive "real time" instruction in the field, as well as intensive classroom preparation.  In the classroom sessions, you will learn the s ...

  3. Ag Tax Issues Workshop


  4. Small Ruminant Parasite Control and FAMACHA Workshop


  5. Capturing Nature's Wonders

    Spend a fun and exciting day learning how to take your outdoor photography to the next level.  You'll receive "real time" instruction in the field, as well as intensive classroom preparation.  In the classroom sessions, you will learn the s ...

  6. Achievement Record Workshop

    4-H Educator Doug Foxx will present an overview of the teen leadership opportunities available to Wayne County 4-H teens such as being a camp counselor, Junior Fair Board member, serving on the Food and Fashion Board.  Additionally there are many trips an ...

  7. Classes and Workshops


  8. 2013 Why Trees Matter Forum

    2013 Why Trees Matter Forum Join us for the 2013 Why Trees Matter Forum.  This year the forum will feature an update on Secrest Arboretum, the latest in i-Tree Ecological, Social and Health Audits and an update on OSU's bid for Tree Campus status on ...
