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  1. OAA Events

    not need to own or use an iPad to attend this workshop.  At noon  next Thursday (May 20), an  ... Information Literacy  workshop will explore strategies instructors can use to clarify student expectations and ...

  2. Faculty selected for CFAES STARS Program

    beyond grant writing workshops, successful researchers require management skills, leadership skills, ...

  3. Supporting Students’ Holistic Well-Being

    eight interactive workshops throughout Spring semester for our faculty and staff to gain knowledge ... register to attend our  Guiding Students to Wellness  workshop to learn skills such as active listening, ... seeking recovery from substance misuse. Both workshops discuss campus resources as well as navigating ...

  4. Q&A Recap of Back to the Real Forest!

    a workshop held in 2016. SENR:  Anything surprising going on in the forest?  Or did you see anything you ...

  5. Weight Watchers April Newsletter

    OSU-only virtual meetings or attend a social distanced in-person workshop. See flyer for details. ...

  6. SENR Announcements, March 3, 2022

    Erie. Stone Lab offers more than 20 college credit courses and workshops each summer on topics ranging ... March 15, 2022.  Anyone taking a for-credit class (as well as certain workshops) is eligible to apply ...

  7. Save the dates!

    a workshop on how we can provide learning and advising environments that are understanding and supportive and ...

  8. Documenting Your Teaching

    around creating focused and effective teaching narratives. This workshop is intended for early career and ...

  9. Trauma Informed Teaching and Advising

    present a workshop on how we can provide learning and advising environments that are understanding and ...

  10. Trauma Informed Advising and Teaching

    a workshop on how we can provide learning and advising environments that are understanding and supportive and ...
