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  1. Planning: A Vital Function of Management

    meetings!  In this issue of Buckeye Dairy News, we suggest a few meetings/conference/workshops that you, your ... incentive for long-range planning.  In Northeast Ohio, Dairy Excel is offering four workshops titled ... considered in the process.  If you have an interest in the workshop but do not reside close to any of the ...

  2. Ohio State’s Food Industries Center responds to the needs of the food industry with online continuing education

    continuing education courses and workshops per month. Some course offerings meet regulatory requirements such ... Control School; while other workshops provide hands-on technical training such as Cleaning and Sanitation ...

  3. Women Inspire Construction

    thought provoking marketing and educational workshops relating historic preservation to energy efficiency ...

  4. February 2016 Highlights

    School March 29-30      HTST Pasteurization Workshop May 6               FST Spring Semester Graduation ...

  5. November 2016 Highlights

    Pasteurization Workshop    March 13-16, 2017           Better Process Control School ...

  6. Spray Workshop

    200 (Wooster) The spray workshop for manufacturers will be one of these 3 days. Tuesday, March 22, ...

  7. From Weaning to Freshening, Dairy Heifer Care and Management Workshop: Fun for the Serious Heifer Raiser

    workshop picks up where the Neonatal Calf Care and Management Workshop left off in March. Participants will ... costing the dairy business money. The Heifer Care and Management Workshop is designed for heifer managers ...

  8. HTST Maintenance Workshop

    system. It is a hands-on advanced workshop covering all aspects of HTST, including process controls, ... hydraulics, pumps, valves, STLR maintenance, equipment testing and regulatory compliance. The workshop is ...

  9. Success of the 2017 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    exhibitors. The pre-conference workshop on feed analyses was well attended, and there were 12 undergraduates, ...

  10. Tom Noyes, Wayne County Extension Dairy Educator, Has Retired After More Than 30 Years

    workshops. He organized and led many of the study tours and workshops that followed Managing for Success. ...
