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Project Cultivates Tanzanian Agricultural Expertise for Future
workshop's leaders. The result: Significantly higher exam scores than Tanzanian students earned in 2011, ...
Studying Bacteria that Follow the Earth's Magnetic Field
researchers’ study, they will provide outreach activities, including a summer workshop for teachers in Ohio, to ...
Spring Workshop: Gardening at your Doorstep
REGISTER HERE COST: EARLY BIRD $45.00 per person before February 1, 2019 $55.00 beginning February 1, 2019 Includes: Continental Breakfast, Lunch catered by Williams on the Lake, and door prizes! BOOK SIGNING and books available for purchase as well ...
Holiday Wreath Workshop
OARDC Scientist Leads New Great Lakes Fire Science Consortium
and archived continuing education Web-based seminars, a schedule of tours and workshops, and the ...
How to find an Internship Workshop
Get tips for approaching the internship search using tools and resources like Handshake and networking. ...
Graduate Professional Student Interview and Networking Workshop
Review tips for interviewing and networking while providing you time to practive skills learned. Open to all CFAES graduate students. ...
Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of July 1
Eastern Region Predator Control Workshop, all day. 50725 Ray Lane, Cumberland. Information about predator ...
85th Ohio Plant Diagnostic Workshop
A full day of hands-on diagnostic samples, walks and updates by OSU’s Tree Amigos: Joe Boggs, Erik Draper, Jim Chatfield and Jason Veil and the Secrest Arboretum horticulturists, and all the assembled experts. If you want to learn, teach and catharse abou ...
Clinic and Writing Workshop
For registration information, click HERE Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Feel free to bring a sack lunch or snacks! Join us to learn about operating a diagnostic clinic, answering customer questions, and utilizing University resources. Following the dia ...