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Project Management for Researchers
public and private world of research An interactive workshop to help participants understand the skills ...
IRB Submission Process Overview
offering an introductory workshop about the IRB submission process. The session will: Explain the oversight ... researchers, anyone preparing IRB submissions is welcome. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, June 20 th, ...
Amendments and Buck-IRB
offering an advanced workshop on amendments to approved human subjects research and the Buck-IRB system. ... submissions is welcome. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, July 18 th, from 8am to 9am in the Clinical ...
Completing an ePA-005
funding. This workshop will provide an overview and tips on completing the form. Tuesday, October 24, ...
Completing an ePA-005
funding. This workshop will provide an overview and tips on completing the form. Tuesday, October 24, ...
Linked In Workshop
Interested in learning more about how LinkedIn can help set you up for career success? Join Kelly McDonald, senior manager of social media at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, for a crash course on setting up your profile, summary building, ...
2007 Neonatal Calf Care and Management Workshops
the Neonatal Calf Care and Management Workshop offered in 2007. The date and location of the first ... session will be announced in November. This session will be similar to the March 2006 workshop. The second ...
Waivers/Alteration of Informed Consent
are offering an intermediate level workshop on waivers/alteration of informed consent. The session ... session will be tailored to medical researchers, anyone preparing IRB submissions is welcome. The workshop ...
Budget Basics
This workshop will provide an overview of the expenses most commonly requested in grant ...
Budget Basics
This workshop will provide an overview of the expenses most commonly requested in grant ...