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  1. Workshops for Professionals and Advanced Training

    a variety of workshops and seminars are organized throughout the year.  For professional development these ...

  2. Special Events

    Every year Ohio Woodland Stewards offers special event classes or workshops with the goal of ...

  3. Pruning Workshop- AARS Kingsville

    The second of two pruning workshops will be hosted by AARS- Kingsville.  The potential for very ...

  4. Pruning Workshop- RSV

    The first of two pruning workshops will be hosted by Rockside Vineyard.  The potential for very ...

  5. Why U.S. Forest Service Research Matters

    topics and specializations.  Join us for the day to learn what is going on in our backyard! The workshop ...

  6. 2015 Ohio River Valley Woodland & Wildlife Workshop

    The Ohio River Valley Woodland & Wildlife Workshop is designed to provide landowners with ...  This one day workshop will be held at Sharonville Convention Center, Cincinnati, OH.   Forestry and ...

  7. 2016 Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop

    Workshop.  Join us at the Clifty Inn located within Clifty Falls State Park in Madison, IN. Registration ...

  8. Endangered Species Act Workshop

    Woodland Stewards Program invite you to a workshop on the implementation, effectiveness and implicatins for ...

  9. Capturing Nature's Wonders

    workshop you will need a camera that allows you to manually control apertures, shutter speeds, and ISO ...

  10. Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop

    This event has been cancelled. As you may be aware, The Ohio State University has announced the suspension of face-to-face instruction of lectures, discussion sections, seminars, and other similar classroom settings, and the move to virtual instruction ef ...
