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  1. Government Academy Workshop 10: The Constitution and Criminal Procedure

    WORKSHOP 10: The Constitution and criminal procedure Taught by Judge Joyce Kimbler of Medina ... Ohio State University, local attorneys, elected officials and subject matter experts. WORKSHOPS *CLE ... COST $50 per workshop Select 5-9 workshops and use coupon code Pick5 (case sensitive) to receive a 5% ...

  2. Government Academy Workshop 7: Sunshine Ethics

    WORKSHOP 7: Sunshine Ethics Taught by Ashlie Case-Slevtvold of Chandra Law Firm.  WHAT IS ... University, local attorneys, elected officials and subject matter experts. WORKSHOPS *CLE Pending January 17, ... per workshop Select 5-9 workshops and use coupon code Pick5 (case sensitive) to receive a 5% discount. ...

  3. Government Academy Workshop 9: Strategic Planning 102- Building Entrepreneurial Communities

    WORKSHOP 9: Strategic Planning 102- Building entrepreneurial Communities Featuring Speaker Myra ... officials and subject matter experts. WORKSHOPS *CLE Pending January 17, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. ... University of Akron Medina 6300 Technology Lane Medina, OH 44256 COST $50 per workshop Select 5-9 workshops ...

  4. Government Academy Workshop 8: Zoning, Taxes, and Levies for Public Officials

    WORKSHOP 8: Zoning, TAxes, and Levies for the public official Taught by Lynda Bowers, Lafayette ... officials and subject matter experts. WORKSHOPS *CLE Pending January 17, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. ... University of Akron Medina 6300 Technology Lane Medina, OH 44256 COST $50 per workshop Select 5-9 workshops ...

  5. Blight to Bright: Reimagining Vacant Land

    University, will host a field tour and workshop on August 19, 2019.  It will highlight the importance of ... landscape.  The workshop will be held at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.  The City of Cleveland, Ohio ...

  6. A Day in the Woods Series 'Winter Tree ID' In-person workshop

    Registration is now open for our next, A DAY in the WOODS program “Winter Tree Identification”  on November 12.  It will take place at the Vinton Furnace State Forest from 9 am to 3:30 pm. For more information visit: ...

  7. Wildlife Conflict (in-person) Workshop ...

  8. Printable Resources

    (2015 National AgrAbility: Virtual Training Workshop) Ohio AgrAbility and Occupational Therapy: Bridging ... Gardener Workshop Creating accessible work space using ADA guidelines- Poster   Generation Rx Train- the- ...

  9. February 22, 2020: Resilience Building and Resource Sharing

    materials at selected sites or all sites ​in which the workshop is held. ​ Exhibitor registration is ... available through the workshop registration form   ...

  10. A Day in the Woods Series 'Tending Your Woodland' In-person workshop

    Being offered to woodland owners in SE Ohio at the Vinton Furnace State Forest McArthur, OH – Like a garden, your woodland will likely provide more benefits if you give it some attention. “Tending Your Woodland”, an interactive outdoor learning opportunit ...
