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  1. Measuring Your Garden's Impact

    participating in the workshop!   ...

  2. Building Raised Beds

    to grow. In this hands-on workshop, we will build examples of raised beds, while learning about their ...

  3. High Tunnel Series: Drip Irrigation & Lessons Learned after One Season

    The first in a series of workshops for growing in a high tunnel. Learn how to set up drip ...

  4. Linked In Workshop

    Interested in learning more about how LinkedIn can help set you up for career success? Join Kelly McDonald, senior manager of social media at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, for a crash course on setting up your profile, summary building, ...

  5. Weighing the Harvest

    In this workshop we will focus on keeping records of garden activity, including the harvest. We ...

  6. Self-Care During COVID, A Workshop For Teens

    Join teens from throughout Cuyahoga County as we discuss ways to prioritize your physical and mental health through the COVID-19 pandemic.  Register Here ...

  7. Let's Jam, and learn more about jam making and food preservation!

    Enjoy a hands-on jam making workshop, plus learn more about basic home food preservation using the ...

  8. Grain Marketing School, CANCELLED

    grain marketing workshop series will focus on determining the cost of production and understanding farm ...

  9. Grad/Prof School Survival Skills Workshop

    Join the Ohio Union Activities Board (OUAB) for an opportunity to learn about skills and resources that will help you success as your pursue your graduate or professional degree from your fellow students. The goal of this event is to aid in your transitio ...

  10. SNAP-Ed

    workshops, classes, and community gardens, teach families how to buy and prepare healthier food, and help ...
