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  1. Wits Workouts Return in May

    Join us for a fun 4-week series of Wits Workouts this May at the Countryside YMCA. The workshops ...

  2. LGBTQ+ Resources

    scheduling a workshop about supporting the LGBTQ+ community, their strengths, and the unique challenges they ... a volunteer Crisis Counselor Links from Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth Workshop (June 21, 2021) The Trevor Project’s ... from Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth Workshop (June 28, 2021) National 4-H Access, Equity, and Belonging ...

  3. Planning for the Future of Your Farm

    of Your Farm” workshop on April 4, 2024. This workshop is designed to help farm families learn ... the future of your farm. This workshop will be held at the Warren County Fairgrounds in the Welcome ... Hall located at 665 N. Broadway, Lebanon OH 45036. Workshop topics include: Developing Goals for Estate ...

  4. Opportunities for Undergraduates

    participate in activities crucial to preparation for graduate school, including workshops on research skills, ...

  5. Session Five: Going Green: Sustainability Inside the Home

    implement easy, eco-friendly ideas in your home, yard, and community. All workshops will take place at the ... may come to all five workshops or just one or two. Whatever you decide, we simply ask that you ... Earth. In this workshop, we will explore ways to limit our impact on the planet by “going green.” We will ...

  6. Session Four: Darkness: A Disappearing Habitat Vital to Life on Earth

    implement easy, eco-friendly ideas in your home, yard, and community. All workshops will take place at the ... may come to all five workshops or just one or two. Whatever you decide, we simply ask that you ...

  7. Session Three: The Importance of Trees

    implement easy, eco-friendly ideas in your home, yard, and community. All workshops will take place at the ... may come to all five workshops or just one or two. Whatever you decide, we simply ask that you ...

  8. Session Two: Helping Backyard Wildlife

    implement easy, eco-friendly ideas in your home, yard, and community. All workshops will take place at the ... may come to all five workshops or just one or two. Whatever you decide, we simply ask that you ...

  9. Session One: Earth 101

    implement easy, eco-friendly ideas in your home, yard, and community. All workshops will take place at the ... may come to all five workshops or just one or two. Whatever you decide, we simply ask that you ...

  10. Aging Well

    environmental, career, and emotional. We are available to provide resources and educational workshops about any ... of these topics. Click here for a list of our Educational Workshops for Older Adults. ...                   To schedule an educational workshop, please contact Laura Stanton at 513-695-1311 or email her at ...
