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  1. Dairy Management Workshops Planned

    comes a variety of outstanding Extension workshops and educational seminars to help you be a better ... Management Education Center to develop a three-day workshop to address three important topics all dairy ... producers will face. The workshops will be conducted at four locations across Ohio and are targeted at those ...

  2. Planning: A Vital Function of Management

    meetings!  In this issue of Buckeye Dairy News, we suggest a few meetings/conference/workshops that you, your ... incentive for long-range planning.  In Northeast Ohio, Dairy Excel is offering four workshops titled ... considered in the process.  If you have an interest in the workshop but do not reside close to any of the ...

  3. From Weaning to Freshening, Dairy Heifer Care and Management Workshop: Fun for the Serious Heifer Raiser

    workshop picks up where the Neonatal Calf Care and Management Workshop left off in March. Participants will ... costing the dairy business money. The Heifer Care and Management Workshop is designed for heifer managers ...

  4. Success of the 2017 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    exhibitors. The pre-conference workshop on feed analyses was well attended, and there were 12 undergraduates, ...

  5. Tom Noyes, Wayne County Extension Dairy Educator, Has Retired After More Than 30 Years

    workshops. He organized and led many of the study tours and workshops that followed Managing for Success. ...

  6. 2008 Recipients of the Dairy Science Hall of Service Awards

    gland health. He presented numerous workshops and talks throughout Ohio on how to produce quality milk ... a foot care workshop that was presented throughout the State geared mostly toward hoof trimmers. He also ... industry was the Dairy Expansion Workshops. The participants in these workshops were veterinarians, ...

  7. 2018 Dairy Palooza

    sessions of workshops in the afternoon.  The topics covered included preparing for the fair, clipping and ...

  8. Update on 2016 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    workshop on animal monitoring technology was well attended, and there were 10 undergraduates, 4 MS ... DiamondV will be the sponsor for the pre-conference symposium on April 18. A pre-conference workshop on ...

  9. Bovine Calving Management Training: Dystocia and Calf Care

    workshop environment for dairy personnel (Spanish- and English speaking workers). The course provides ...

  10. 2015 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    515 in attendance and a record number of exhibitors. The pre-conference workshop on feeding management ...
