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  1. A Day in the Woods Series 'Forest Ecology' Webinar

    This virtual workshop has two parts – the first will explore the role that our woodlands can have ...

  2. Biotechnology and Competing in Capabilities

    CSREES/NRI Project Directors Workshop, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Ian Sheldon Presentation Saturday, ...

  3. Caregiver

    College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) is co-hosting a workshop on Feb. 22. The ... workshop is for people who care for someone who is disabled or sick, adult children concerned about aging ... University Extension’s Ohio AgrAbility program, one of the workshop’s hosts. OSU Extension is the outreach ...

  4. Climate Policy and Border Tax Adjustments: Some New Wine Mixed with Old Wine in New Green Bottles?

    Invited Speaker, CAES-CATPRN Workshop,"Beyond the Three Pillars: The New Agenda in Agri-Food ...

  5. Vertical Product Differentiation and Credence Goods: Mandatory Labeling and Gains from International Integration.

    Invited Speaker, 2nd International Workshop, "Quality Promotion through Ecolabeling: ...

  6. Measuring the Economic Contribution of Agriculture in Ohio: An Educational and Informative Workshop

    Please indicate attendance choice below.  You will be sent a confirmation email prior to the workshop ... workshop are: Introduction to economic contribution analysis and efforts to standardize procedures across ...

  7. Burned out caring for someone? Attend this workshop

    College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) is co-hosting a workshop on Feb. 22. The ... workshop is for people who care for someone who is disabled or sick, adult children concerned about aging ... University Extension’s Ohio AgrAbility program, one of the workshop’s hosts. OSU Extension is the outreach ...

  8. Ohio AgrAbility Educational Workshops

    Workshop topics Farming with a Disability The Ohio AgrAbility program works with farmers with ...   Workshops can be offered online via Zoom, or in person (based on University travel and meeting restrictions- ... Ohio AgrAbility in person workshops are currently not being scheduled) In-person workshops are subject ...

  9. Universal Design Photo Gallery- lighting

    Does this look familiar? A dark, poorly lit milking parlor (or barn, workshop, garage...) ...

  10. New article assesses diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in agricultural and applied economics departments

    underrepresented scholars; and providing workshops and resources to help department heads hire, train and support ...
