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Search results

  1. Integrating Farmer Needs into Childcare Solutions Workshop – Feb. 6

    Join Shoshanah Inwood for an interactive workshop that focuses on including farmer needs in ... solutions for childcare. The virtual workshop will be held Feb. 6 (11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.), and registration is ...

  2. Research Skills Workshops – Feb. 5 and 12

    The Wooster Campus Research Library is hosting two virtual workshops that will focus on sharpening ... most out of your library databases   Feb. 12 (noon-1 p.m.) – Literature Review Workshop   ...

  3. A Note from David Civittolo

    I know many of you are in the thick of winter programming—whether it’s conferences, workshop planning, ...

  4. Demystifying Research: Understanding and Negotiating the Terms of Your Publishing Agreement (Virtual Event)

    Join the University Libraries’ Copyright Services for a workshop on strategies and considerations ... tactics for retaining the rights that are important to you. In this workshop, participants will have the ... help! There are a number of upcoming workshops that provide an overview of research concepts, such as ...

  5. Demystifying Research: What is Digital Humanities? (Virtual Event)

    method(s) may be useful for your research? In this workshop, Leigh Bonds will provide a general overview of ... workshops that provide an overview of research concepts, such as organizing your notes, creating a citation ...

  6. Demystifying Research: Research and Citation Management Made Simple (Hybrid event)

    workshop, we’ll share practical strategies for developing an efficient filing system and for managing ... of upcoming workshops that provide an overview of research concepts, such as organizing your notes, ...

  7. Demystifying Research: Archives and Research Methods (in person)

    workshops that provide an overview of research concepts, such as organizing your notes, creating a citation ...

  8. Demystifying Research: Beyond the Archives: Exploring Community Collections and Data (Virtual Event)

    help! There are a number of upcoming workshops that provide an overview of research concepts, such as ...

  9. Demystifying Research: Introduction to Scholarly Publishing for Humanities Researchers (Virtual Event)

    help! There are a number of upcoming workshops that provide an overview of research concepts, such as ...

  10. Empowering Weather and Climate Understanding Rolls Out Online Course

    Improving Weather and Climate Understanding took the state by storm – offering workshops across ...
