Extension Publications

Fact Sheets and Bulletins

(Published by OSU Extension at Ohioline)

  1. Zhao, L.Y., S. Wang, and H. Keener. 2014. "Estimate Ammonia (NH3) Emissions from Manure- Belt Layer Houses: An Effective Modeling Tool ". OSU Extension. AEX-723.5-14.
  2. Zhao, L. Y., R. Manuzon, L.J. Hadlocon. 2014. "Ammonia Emission from Animal Feeding Operations and Its Impacts". OSU Extension. AEX-723.1-14.
  3. Zhao, L. Y. 2014 "Abate Animal Heat Stress in Hot Weather". OSU Extension. AEX-151-14.
  4. Manuzon, R. L.Y. Zhao, and A. Jonjak. 2011. "Wet Scrubbers for Mechanically Ventilated Animal Facilities." eXtension.
  5. L. Y. Zhao, T.L. Combs,J. N. Rausch, R. Manuzon, M. Brugger, G. Arnold, and E. Inerman. 2008. "Air Quality in New Free-Stall Dairy Facilities". Columbus: OSU Extension. AEX-732-08.
  6. Zhao, L.Y., J. N. Rausch, and T.L. Combs. 2008. "Overview of Odor Control for Manure Storage Facilities". OSU Extension. AEX-738-08.
  7. Zhao, L. Y. 2007. "Understanding air emissions from Animal Feeding Operations (AFO)". OSU Extension. AEX-721-07.
  8. Zhao, L.Y. 2007. "How to Work Safely Around Manure Storages". OSU Extension. AEX-739.
  9. Zhao, L.Y., J.N. Rausch. 2007. "Odor Control for Land Application of Manure". OSU Extension.
  10. Zhao, L. Y., J. N. Rausch, and M. Eastridge. 2005. "The EPA Air Quality Compliance Agreement with Animal Feeding Operations (AFO)". OSU Extension. AEX-720-06.
  11. Zhao, L. Y. and H. Keener. 2005. "Odor and Dust Emission Control. Chapter 8 of Bulletin 604 Ohio Livestock Manure Management Guide". OSU Extension.


Editor-Reviewed Journal Articles

(Published with Ohio Country Journal)

  1. Tong, X. and L.Y. Zhao. 2019. Improving air conditions in poultry layer houses. Ohio’s Country Journal. Jan. 2019, Page 22-23.
  2.  Ohio State University, College of Engineering news: https://engineering.osu.edu/news/2019/02/agricultural-engineers-develop-improved-poultry-house-ventilation-system
  3. Zhao, L.Y. 2017. Reporting ammonia (NH3) or hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emissions from animal farms. Dec. 2017, Page xx. http://ocj.com/2017/12/reporting-ammonia-nh3-or-hydrogen-sul%EF%AC%81de-h2s-emissions-from-animal-farms/
  4. Zhao, L.Y. 2017.  Reducing pesticide spray drift using a universal computational model. Ohio’s Country Journal. Sep. 2017, Page 40 and 53. http://ocj.com/2017/09/reducing-pesticide-spray-drift-using-a-universal-computational-model/
  5. Zhao, L.Y. 2016.  eLearning to address new challenges in controlled environment animal production. Ohio’s Country Journal. April 2016, Page 14-1
  6. Zhao, L.Y. 2015.  Control of ammonia and dust emissions in poultry facilities for improved health. Ohio’s Country Journal. Aug. 2015, Page 3
  7. Zhao, L.Y. 2013. Recovery of Ammonia Nitrogen Emissions from Animal Facilities using Spray Acid Wet Scrubbers. Ohio’s Country Journal. Dec. 2013, Page 21.
  8. Zhao, L.Y. 2013. Air Temperature and Salmonella Prevalence in Animal Facilities. Ohio’s Country Journal. Oct. 2013, Page 41.
  9. Zhao, L.Y. 2012. Compost Bedded Pack Dairy Barns in Ohio. Ohio’s Country Journal. Oct. 2012, Page 42.
  10. Zhao, L.Y. 2012. Climate change and animal agriculture. Ohio’s Country Journal. June 2012, Page 28.
  11. Zhao, L.Y. 2011. Mitigate gas emissions from animal facilities. Ohio’s Country Journal. Dec. 2011, Page 48.
  12. Zhao, L.Y. 2011. Animal heat stress in hot weather. Ohio’s Country Journal. August 2011, Page 46.
  13. Zhao, L.Y. 2010. Ammonia levels in animal buildings. Ohio’s Country Journal. Feb. 2010, Page 38.
  14. Zhao, L.Y. 2009. Odor control for manure storages. Ohio’s Country Journal. July 2009, Page 31.
  15. Zhao, L.Y. 2009. Manure storage covers: Many benefits. Ohio’s Country Journal. Aug. 2009, Page 46.
  16. Zhao, L.Y. 2008. Odor control for manure application. Ohio’s Country Journal. Nov. 2008, Page 34.
  17. Zhao, L.Y. 2007. How to Safely Work around Manure Storages. Ohio’s Country Journal. August 2007, Page 32.
  18. Zhao, L.Y. 2007. Reduce ammonia nitrogen loss. Ohio’s Country Journal. April 2007, Page 24.
  19. Zhao, L.Y. 2007. Air temperature of animal barns. Ohio’s Country Journal. Feb. 2007, Page 31.
  20. Zhao, L.Y. 2006. Ventilation reduces veterinary costs. Ohio’s Country Journal. Dec. 2006, Page 49.
  21. Zhao, L.Y. 2005. Air emissions from animal feeding operations (AFOs). Ohio’s Country Journal. September 2005, Page 51.
  22. Zhao, L.Y. 2005. Ventilate barns in winter. Ohio’s Country Journal. January 2005, Page 31.
  23. Zhao, L.Y. 2004. Cooling your animals. Ohio’s Country Journal. August 2004, Page 31.
  24. Zhao, L.Y. 2003. Air Quality in Agricultural Community. Ohio’s Country Journal. Nov. 2003, Page 37.
  25. Zhao, L.Y. 2003. Ventilation—a key to healthy animals. Ohio’s Country Journal. January 2003. Page 29.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Liu Z, L.Y. Zhao, Q. Zhang, N. Huo, X. Shi, L. Li, L. Jia, Y. Lu, Y. Peng and Y. Song. 2019. Proteomics-based mechanistic investigation of Escherichia coli inactivation by pulsed electric field. Front. Microbiol. 10:2644. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02644
  2. Tong, X., S. Hong, S., and Zhao, L.Y. CFD modeling of airflow, thermal environment, and ammonia concentration distribution in a commercial manure-belt layer house with mixed ventilation systems. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 162:281-299.
  3. Tong, X., S. Hong, S., and Zhao, L.Y. 2019. Development of upward airflow displacement ventilation system of manure-belt layer houses for improved indoor environment using CFD simulation. Biosystems Engineering. 178:294-308.
  4. Tong, X., S. Hong, S., and L.Y. Zhao. 2019. CFD modeling of airflow pattern and thermal environment in a commercial manure-belt layer house with tunnel ventilation. Biosystems Engineering. 178:275-293.
  5. Chen, Q., E. Romich, A. Cruse, A. Gorzitze, H. Shi, and L.Y. Zhao. 2019. “Surveying the edges: Homeowners’ perspectives on residential energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements in Ohio.” Journal of Green Building, 14(1), 111-130.
  6. Knight, R., X. Tong, Z. Liu, S. Hong, and L.Y. Zhao. 2019. Spatial and seasonal variations of PM concentration and size distribution in manure-belt poultry layer houses. Trans. of the ASABE 62(2):415-427. doi: 10.13031/trans.12950
  7. Duan, N., D. Zhang, C. Lin, L.Y. Zhao, H. Liu, and Z. Liu. 2019. Effect of organic loading rate on anaerobic digestion of pig manure: Methane production, mass flow, reactor scale and heating scenarios. Journal of Environmental Management. 231: 646-652. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.10.062
  8. Hong, S.W., L. Y. Zhao, and H. Zhu. 201 SAAS, a computer program for estimating pesticide spray efficiency and drift of air-assisted pesticide applications. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.155:58-68. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.20109.031
  9. Hong, S.W., L. Y. Zhao, and H. Zhu. 2018. CFD simulation of pesticide spray from air-assisted sprayers in an apple orchard: Tree deposition and off-target losses.  Atmospheric Environment. 175:109-11 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.12.001
  10. Hong, S.W., L. Y. Zhao, and H. Zhu. 2018. CFD simulation of airflow inside tree canopies discharged from air-assisted sprayers. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 149: 121-132. https://doi.org/1016/j.compag.2017.07.011
  11. Ashtari1, A.K., A. M. S.Majd, G. L. Riskowski, S. Mukhtar, and L.Y. Zhao. 2016. Removing ammonia from air with a constant pH, slightly acidic water spray wet scrubber using recycled scrubbing solution. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2016, 10(6): 3. DOI 10.1007/s11783-016-0869-3
  12. Zhao, L.Y.,  L. J. S. Hadlocon, R. B. Manuzon, M.J. Darr, H. M. Keener, A. J. Heber, and J.Q. Ni. 2016. Ammonia concentrations and emission rates at a commercial manure composting facility. Biosyst Engg. 150: 69-78.
  13. Ru, Y. L.Y. Zhao, L. J. S. Hadlocon, H. Zhu, and S. K. Ramdon. 2016. Laboratory evaluation of electrostatic spray wet scrubber to control particulate matter emissions from poultry facilities. Environ. Tech., 1-32, 2016.
  14. Samani Majd, A. M., A. Kalbasi Ashtari, G.L. Riskowski, S. Mukhtar, L.Y. Zhao, and W. Fang. 2015. Electrolyzed water spray scrubber for removing ammonia from air. Trans. of the ASABE 58(4): 1069-1078. (doi: 10.13031/trans.58.10973) @2015
  15. Li, X., C. Lin, Y. Wang, L.Y. Zhao, N. Duan, and X. Wu. 20 Analysis of household energy consumption, demands on renewable energy, and CO2 emissions in rural area of Beijing. Ecol. Modeling 318:184-193. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2005.011.
  16. Hadlocon, L.J., L.Y. Zhao, B. Wyslouzil, and H. Zhu. 2015. Semi-mechanistic modeling of ammonia absorption in acid spray scrubbers based on mass balances.  J. of Biosystems Engineering. Biosyst. Engg. 136:14-24.
  17. Hadlocon, L. J., A. Soboyejo, L. Y. Zhao, and H. Zhu. 2015. Statistical Modeling of Ammonia Absorption Efficiency of an Acid Spray Scrubber Using Regression Analysis. Biosyst. Engg. 132: 88-95.
  18. Hadlocon, L.J. and L.Y. Zhao. 2015. Production of ammonium sulfate fertilizer using acid spray wet scrubbers. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal. 17 (Special Issue: 18th World Congress of CIGR): 41-51.  
  19. Hadlocon, L.S., L.Y. Zhao, G. Bohrer, W. Kenny, S.R. Garrity, J. Wang, B. Wyslouzil, and J. Upadhyay. 2015. Modeling of particulate matter dispersion from a poultry facility using AERMOD, AWMA J. 65(2): 206-217. DOI:10.1080/10962247.2014.986306
  20. Hadlocon, L. S., R.B. Manuzon, and L. Y. Zhao. 2015. Development and evaluation of a full-scale spray scrubber for ammonia recovery and production of nitrogen fertilizer at poultry facilities. Environ. Tech. 36(4): 405-416. DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2014.950346.
  21. Hadlocon, L. S., R.B. Manuzon., and L. Y. Zhao. 2014. A spray-type acid wet scrubber for recovery of ammonia emissions from a deep-pit swine facility. Trans. ASABE. 57 (3): 949-960
  22. Wang*, S., L. Y. Zhao, X. Wang*, R. Manuzon*, M. Darr*, H. Li*, H.M. Keener. 2014. Estimation of ammonia emission from manure belt poultry layer houses using an alternative mass-balance method. Transactions of the ASABE. 57 (3): 937-947.
  23. Hadlocon*, L. S., R.B. Manuzon*, and L. Y. Zhao. 2014. Optimization of ammonia absorption using acid spray scrubbers. Transactions of the ASABE. Vol. 57, no. 2: 647-659.
  24. Lin, H., X. Wu, C. Miller, J. Zhu, L.J. Hadlocon*, R. Manuzon*, and L.Y. Zhao. 2014. Pilot-scale field study for ammonia removal from lagoon biogas using an acid wet scrubber. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Vol. Part B 49, 439–448.
  25. Manuzon*, R., L.Y. Zhao, and C. Gecik. 2014. An optimized electrostatic precipitator for air cleaning of particulate emission from poultry facilities. ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 120 (1): 490-503.
  26. Pires, AFA; Funk, JA; Manuzon*, R; Darr*, M; Zhao. L. 2013. Longitudinal study to evaluate the association between thermal environment and Salmonella shedding in a Midwestern US swine farm. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. Vol. (112): 128-137.
  27. Malireddy, S.; Lawson, C.; Steinhour, E.; Hart, J.; Kotha, S.R.; Patel, R.B.; Zhao, L.Y.; Wilkins, J.R.; Marsh, C.B.; Magalang, U.J.; Romberger, D.; Wewers, M.D.; Parinandi, N.L. 2013. Airborne agricultural particulate matter induces inflammatory cytokine secretion by respiratory epithelial cells: Mechanisms of regulation by eicosanoid lipid signal mediators". Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics. Vol. 50 (5): 387-401.
  28. Kotha, S.R.; Piper, M.G.; Patel, R. B.; Sliman, S.; Malireddy, S.; Zhao, L.Y.; Baran, C. P.; Nana-Sinkam, P.S.; Wewers, M.D.; Romberger, D.; Marsh, C. B.; Parinandi, N.L. 2013. Phospholipase A (2) Activation by Poultry Particulate Matter is Mediated Through Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase in Lung Epithelial Cells: Regulation of Interleukin-8 Release. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. Vol. 67 (2): 415-429.
  29. Li*, H., L.Y. Zhao, P. Ling, and J. Liu. 2012. A model for predicting wireless signal transmission performance of ZigBee- based sensor networks in residential houses. ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 118, no. (1): 994-1007. 2012.
  30. Latshaw, J. D., and L. Y. Zhao. 2011. Dietary protein effects on hen performance and nitrogen excretion. Poult. Sci. Vol (90): 99-106.
  31. Li*, H., L. Y. Zhao, and L. Peter. 2010. Wireless Control of Residential HVAC Systems for Energy Efficient and Comfortable Homes". ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 116 (2): 355-367.
  32. Manuzon* R. and L.Y. Zhao. 2009. Laboratory evaluation and modeling of electrostatic precipitation of PM emissions from poultry buildings. ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 115 (2): 831-849.
  33. Darr*, M. J. and L.Y. Zhao. 2008. A model for predicting signal transmission performance of wireless sensors in poultry layer facilities". Trans. ASABE. 51(5): 1817-1827.
  34. Keener, H. M. and L.Y. Zhao. 2008. A modified mass balance method for prediction NH3 emissions from manure N for livestock and storage facilities. Biosystems Engineering. Vol. 99(1): 81-87.
  35. Sun, H., L.Y. Zhao, and Y. Zhang. 2007. Evaluating RNG k-ε models using PIV data for airflow in animal buildings at different ventilation rates". ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 113(1): 358-365.
  36. Darr*, M. J., L. Y. Zhao, J. Ni, and C. Gecik. 2007. A robust sensor for monitoring the operational status of agricultural ventilation fans. Trans. of the ASABE. Vol. 50(3): 1019-1027. 2007.
  37. Darr*, M. J., L.Y. Zhao, and M. R. Ehsani. 2007. Implementation of controller area networks for animal environment monitoring. ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 113(1): 406-413.
  38. Lim, T. T., H. Sun*, J.-Q. Ni, L. Y. Zhao, C. A. Diehl, A. J. Heber, and P.-C. Tao. 2007. Field tests of a particulate impaction curtain on emissions from a high-rise layer barn. Trans. ASABE. Vol. 50(5): 1795-1805.
  39. Manuzon*, R. B., L. Y. Zhao, H. M. Keener, and M. J. Darr. 2007. An prototype acid spray wet scrubber for absorbing ammonia emissions from exhaust fans of animal buildings. Trans. of the ASABE. Vol. 50(4): 1395-1407.
  40. Sun*, H., L.Y. Zhao, and Y. Zhang. 2007. Evaluation of RNG κ-ε and LES non-isothermal models for indoor airflow using PIV measurement data. Trans. ASABE. Vol. 50(2): 621-631.
  41. Zhao, L.Y., M. F. Brugger, R. B. Manuzon*, G. Arnold, and E. Imerman. 2007. Variations in air quality of new Ohio dairy facilities with natural ventilation systems. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Vol. 23(3): 339-346.
  42. Zhao, L.Y., Y. Zhang, X. Wang, and G.L. Riskowski, "Analysis of airflow in a full-scale room with non-isothermal jet ventilation using PTV techniques". ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 113, no. 1: 414-425. 2007. (Published).
  43. Elenbass-Thomas, A.M., L.Y. Zhao, Y. Hyun, X. Wang, B. Anderson, G.L. Riskowski, M. Ellis, and A. J. Heber. 2005. Effects of room ozonation on air quality and pig performance. Trans. ASABE. Vol. 48(3): 1167-1173.
  44. Wang, X., Y. Zhang, L.Y. Zhao, and L.L. Christianson. 2005. Numerical modeling of dust spatial distribution in a mechanically ventilated airspace. Trans. ASAE. Vol. 48(2): 729-737.
  45. Sun Y., Y. Zhang, L. Y. Zhao, and X. Wang. 2004. An algorithm of stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry for full-scale room airflow studies". ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 110(1): 75-80.
  46. Wang, X., Y. Zhang, T. Funk, L.Y. Zhao, and G.L. Riskowski, "Effect of ventilation system on particle spatial distribution in ventilated rooms". ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. (2): 258-266.
  47. Zhao, L. Y., Y. Zhang, X. Wang, G. L. Riskowski, and L. L. Christianson. 2001. Measurement of two-dimensional air velocities in a full-scale room using Particle Image Velocimetry. ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 107(2): 434-444.
  48. Wang, X., Y. Zhang, L.Y. Zhao, and G. L. Riskowski. 2000. Effect of ventilation rate on dust spatial distribution in a mechanically ventilated airspace. Trans. ASABE. Vol. 43(6): 1877-1884.
  49. Wang, X., Y. Zhang, L.Y. Zhao, and G. L. Riskowski. 1999. Development of a multi-point aerosol sampler using critical flow control devices. ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 105(2): 1108-1113. 1999.
  50. Zhao, L.Y., Y. Zhang, X. Wang, G. L. Riskowski, and L. L. Christianson. 1999. Development of PIV techniques to measure airflow patterns in ventilated airspaces. ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 105(2): 1098-1107.


Technical Project Reports

  1. Zhao, L.Y., F. Xu, Y. Li. 2019. Beneficial use of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum for phosphorus removal from wastewater. Final project report to State of Ohio, Development Services Agency, OHIO Coal Research and Development Grant Program.
  2. Zhao, L.Y. 2018. Animal Production Systems: Synthesis of Methods to Determine Triple Bottom Line Sustainability from Findings of Reductionist Research. Final Hatch/Multistate project report to USDA NIFA.
  3. Zhao, L.Y., A. Christy. E. Buck, X. Wang, L. Wang-Li, R. Stowell, R.C. Noble, K. Zering, E. Oviedo, A. Green, W. Zheng, C. Powers, and M. Worku. 2018. Create eLearning in NIFA Challenge Areas to Transform Education of Controlled Environment Animal Production (eCEAP) for Sustainability. Final project report to USDA NIFA.
  4. Zhao, L. Y., Q. Chen, E. Romich, A. Cruse, A. Gorzitze. 2017. Establishing a Green Home Technology Center: An OSU and Community Partnership for Research, Education, and Demonstration of Green Building Technologies to Support Healthy, Energy Efficient, and Sustainable Housing in Ohio. Final project report to the Office of Outreach and Engagement, The Ohio State University.
  5. Zhao, L.Y., S. Shearer, K. Mancl, and J. Lee. 2017. Agricultural Energy and Environment: China-US Research and Education Collaboration. Final project report to The Ohio State University China Gateway Office.
  6. Zhao, L.Y., L. Hadlocon, R. Manuzon, Y. Li, J. Zhu. 2017. Wet Scrubbers for the Recovery of NH3 Emissions. Final project report to USDA NIFA.
  7. Zhao, L. Y., R. Manuzon, L.J. Hadlocon. 2014. Ammonia Emission from Animal Feeding Operations and Its Impacts. AEX-723.1-14.
  8. Zhao, L. Y. 2014. Abate Animal Heat Stress in Hot Weather. AEX-151-14. 4 pages.
  9. Zhao, L. Y., J. Zhu, Y. Li., H. Keener, J. Rausch. 2013. “Wet Scrubbers for the Recovery of NH3 Emission from Animal Feeding Operations for Fertilizer”. USDA NIFA.
  10. Zhao, L. Y. 2013. Systems for Controlling Air Pollutant Emissions and Indoor Environments of Poultry, Swine, and Dairy Facilities. USDA NIFA.
  11. Zhao, L. Y., A. Christy, and A. Yost. 2011. "The Development of Nano-scale Ceramic Oxide Electron Mediators for Enhanced Microbial Fuel Cell Power Generation". The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.
  12. Zhao, L. Y. H. Keener, J. Rausch, D. Latshaw, and W. Weiss. 2010. "An On-farm Tool for Management of Nitrogen Nutrient Loss and NH3 Emission from Animal Manure". The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.
  13. H. M. Keener, L. Y. Zhao, M. Wicks, M. Brugger, S. Wang, J. Rausch, A. Meddles, M. Klingman, R. Manuzon, and J. Upadhya. 2009. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Dairy Bedded Pack Systems in Ohio". USDA NRCS.
  14. Zhao, L. Y. and R. Manuzon. 2008. A Wireless Thermal Environmental Monitoring System for Study of Thermal Risk for Salmonella in Swine. Michigan State University and USDA: NRI.
  15. Zhao, L. Y., X. Wang, M. Darr, R. Manuzon, M. Brugger, E. Imernan, and G. Arnold. 2007. "Determining Annual Trend of H2S and Odor Levels at Dairy Manure Storage Ponds and Downwind Property Line for Effective and Economic Air Quality Management". The Ohio dairy Producer Association.
  16. Funk, J. and L. Y. Zhao. 2006. "Longitudinal evaluation of the effect of ventilation and environmental management of swine barns on Salmonella prevalence in finishing swine". National Pork Board.
  17. Albert J. Heber, Teng Teeh Lim, Ji-Qin Ni, Samuel M. Hanni, Claude A. Diehl, Chaoyuan Wang, and L. Y. Zhao, 2006. "Effects of Electrostatic Space Charge System on Particulate Matter Emissions from High Rise Layer Barn".
  18. Albert J. Heber, Teng Teeh Lim, Ji-Qin Ni, Samuel M. Hanni, Claude A. Diehl, Chaoyuan Wang, and L. Y. Zhao. 2006. "Effects of Aluminum Sulfate and Aluminum Chloride Applications on Ammonia Emissions from High-Rise Layer Barn".
  19. Heber, A. J., T. Lim, J.Q. Ni, P.C. Tao, C. Diehl, H. Sun, and L.Y. Zhao. 2005. "Effects of particulate impaction system on emissions from high-rise layer barns".
  20. Zhao, L. Y. 2005. "Development of a prototype wet scrubber for reduction of dust and ammonia emissions from poultry buildings". Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.
  21. Zhao, L. Y. 2004. "Preliminary assessment of air quality in Ohio farms and health risk to farmers and their neighbors". The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.
  22. Zhao, L. Y., and M. Brugger, 2003. "Preliminary study to assess air quality in Ohio farms and health risk to farmers and their neighbors".
  23. Bayer, C., R. Browner, S. Ho, L. Christianson, L.Y. Zhao, P. Heiselberg, M. Tumbleson, and M. Cui. 2001. "Application of pollution prevention techniques to reduce indoor air emissions from aerosol consumer products".